Introduction: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is one of the most common\ncauses of death worldwide. In 2010, about 7 out of total 53 million deaths\nwere due to ischemic heart disease. The aim of this study is to evaluate the\nrelationship of serum bilirubin level with the severity and complexity of coronary\nartery disease (CAD) in the patients undergoing primary percutaneous\ncoronary intervention (PCI). Materials and Methods: 70 patients with\nSTEMI who were undergoing primary PCI were included in the study. All the\npatients included in the study were subjected to full routine investigations\nand standard coronary angiographic projections. Total bilirubin level was\nmeasured and the patients were divided into two groups.Group 1 was with\nserum TB (<1 mg/dl) and Group 2 was with serum TB (>1 mg/dl). Severity\nand complexity of coronary artery lesions will be assessed using Gensini\nscore. Results: After PCI, the two studied groups were compared regarding\nthe number of vessels affected by one and more than one vessel disease. Single\nvessel disease was frequent in Group 2 (71%) with significant p value\n(0.003). Cardiac enzymes (troponin I) was more in Group 1 (S. Bil < 1) with\nsignificant p value (0.02). Also (ALT, AST) were more in Group 1 (p value =\n0.01). By comparing the 2 groups, there was a significant difference regarding\n(EF) between both which was less in Group 1 (S.TB < 1) than Group 2\n(S.TB > 1), p value significance (0, 0001). Also GENSENI was more in Group\n1 (S.TB < 1) than Group 2 (S.TB > 1) with mean (80.35 vs 34.71) and significant\np value (0.0001). There was a highly significant negative correlation between\nserum bilirubin & GENSENI score (r = -0.762, p value 0.0001). Regarding\nthe incidence of complications, incidence was more in Group 1 (S.TB\n< 1) than in Group 2 (S.TB > 1), which means a significant difference between\n both groups with significant p value (0.0001). There was a significant\nnegative correlation between serum bilirubin & incidence of complications (R\n= -0.38, p value 0.001). Also, there was a significant negative correlation between\nGENSINI score, complication and bilirubin among both groups (r:-0.762\\-0.38)\n with p value (0.0001\\0.001) respectively. Conclusion: In conclusion,\nour results suggested that the Serum Bilirubin level is inversely correlated\nwith the severity of CAD. Also, the SB level is an independent predictor\nof cardiovascular events in CAD patients. Understandably, our findings\nneed further verification by large-scale, multicenter clinical trials in the future.